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Trump ‘safe’ after gunshots reported in his vicinity at golf course

The Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, is safe following gunshots in his vicinity, his campaign said in a statement on Sunday. It said no further details were available.
Reuters could not immediately determine where Trump was located when the campaign issued the statement. The Politico national correspondent Meridith McGraw reported that the gunshots in question were fired at Trump National Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, where the former president and Republican nominee in November’s election was golfing on Sunday.
Meanwhile, citing sources, the New York Post added that two people exchanging gunfire meant specifically for each other engaged in a shootout. The shooters were not targeting Trump, the sources said, according to the outlet.
However, CNN reported contradictory information. Citing its own sources, the network reported that officials believed the shots at the golf club were indeed intended for Trump.
Citing a source, Natalie Winters, the co-host of War Room, which is hosted by former Trump strategist Steve Bannon, said on X that a suspect had been arrested in Martin county, Florida, which is north-west of West Palm Beach. Winters added that Trump was “placed in a hard room for protection” after gunfire rang out within earshot.
Trump was injured in an assassination attempt at a political rally in Pennsylvania on 13 July. A spectator was killed, two others were injured, and Secret Service snipers shot the would-be assassin dead.
A Secret Service spokesperson, Anthony Guglielmi, on Sunday confirmed the agency was investigating “a protective incident involving” Trump that occurred at about 2pm local time. “The former president is safe,” Guglielmi added.
Meanwhile, the White House announced that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been briefed, saying, “The president and vice president have been briefed about the security incident at the Trump International Golf Course, where former president Trump was golfing. They are relieved to know that he is safe. They will be kept regularly updated by their team,” according to pool reports.
